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Monday, December 13, 2010


I failed my English Essay. That's right. I got a 68 % on an essay in my favorite subject. I spent about twenty minutes crying in the restrooms before I could go home, and be reminded by my mother that I have to go get bloodwork done today.

DID I MENTION I GAINED TWO POUNDS THIS MORNING?????? Despite eating nothing but lettuce and grilled chicken, and doing two exercise DVDs as well as jogging in the morning.

Sometimes, I think God gets bored and just wants to have a laugh with me. Well, O Almighty One, 'tis indeed the season of giving.

I have yet to binge, though, and today I have had oatmeal, a peanut butter sandwich, and a 35 cal wedge of swiss cheese.

Think I will make some coffee as well.

It is snowing here! It seems that the entire US is getting walloped with at least some flurries. I can only pray that it doesnt get ridiculous and knock our power our--how would I be able to google thinspo??!!!

Priorities, priorities. Anyhoo, I shall check in again later and tell you about my exciting new christmas gift!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Its either water weight or you're getting your period. Don't get excited. Sorry about your test. Hope things turn around for you.

  2. 68% is a fail?! 68% is a high C in the UK for 16-19 yr olds!!!
    It has to be water weight, remember this happened to me last week? It was water weight.
    Take care hun xxx

  3. Sorry I haven't commented for a while, I haven't been on blogger for a couple of days. I feel really bad and way behind.
    Thank you so much for the colour pic, I love your hair colour :)
    I'm sorry about your results. Even though 68% isn't that bad of a mark I am the exact same when it comes to my marks. English is one of my fave subjects too and if I don't get a near perfect score I freak. I know how horrible you feel. But it isn't the end of the world because i know that next time you can get an amazing mark. Put all your energy into improving things instead of worrying about what you could have done. Stay strong girlie and turn that frown upside down.
    Love Anafly

  4. That's strange, 2 pounds of nothing? Like some people have said, period or water weight - or not going to the toilet properly.

    I remember the same thing happened to me in English, it was my favorite subject and i thought i was super fantastic at it, and failed an essay (although they were not my strong points i thought i would have aced it, apparently not )

    Don't beat yourself about it, it's a learning curve!

  5. Exactly what Eloise said, most kids in the Uk would be ecstatic with 68. It's weird how that's fail. I'm sorry to hear :l. and also about the weight gain- could be water weight? and well done on not binging.
    Also, I haven't deelted any comments, I don't do that and plus- it was probably similar to what everyone else was saying? I wouldn't just simply delete your's ;]
    Seriously though, I didn't.

    Take care. xo.


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