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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Sorry, I could not think of a nice title for this post.

Ech-hem. HELLOOOOOOO to my new followers! Gosh, you guys are absolutely fabbity. Thanks so much for sending me some questions to answer! I will do my best to provide satisfactory answers.

Anafly: I am seventeen years old. My bday is november 14, and that is one of the only things I like about myself, because nov. is my favorite month, and I am a double scorpio thanks to that date. I share my birthday with Prince Charles,  Monet, and Travis Barker. Wow, that was a 25 cent answer to a 5 cent question. if you like zodiac shit and fun facts, check out which has a ton of neat trivia about your bdays!

Eloise18: thanks for the luck :[ My family is nice. My dad is a drunk loser, and married my mom for her money. they got divorced just about 2 years ago. My mom is a very loving woman, but has major guilt complexes. we are similar is some ways, which makes our arguments VERY uncomfortable, because we both go  off at the littlest things. I have a brother. hes a boy, nuff said. UMMM my grandparents are awesome, and my uncle has sleeve tattoos on both arms with pictures of the kraken devouring men at sea. I lobe him <3. SO ya. I have a big family because my grandfather is from ireland and has like 14 siblings.

Night_Flower:Ahhh yes. Two dogs that I hate and wish would go away because they piss me off.
a lovely fat kitty named star (her belly is so big it wobbles and touches the ground when she walks.)
I used to have goldfish but they all died.
I used to have horses but we moved from my farm when my parents divorced :(
I have thweee chinchillas that are sewww cutee.

If I could live anywhere for a year....I would go to Brittany (France)  to live with my Aunt. She lives in a castle and travels a lot, and is very eccentric.

In a nutshell, I made forty dollars, saw the Nutcracker ballet, and felt very fat amongst all these skinny ballerinas. who, of course, were perfect looking in their super tight leotards and tutus.

i have some new motivation to get thinner: next year when I film backstage, I WILL LOOK LIKE A DANCER, NOT A PIG!

Hope you gorgeous people are all okay! Happy end of the weekend yayyyyy......

haha.ha. kinda exactly how I felt today.


  1. Hahaha that is the best picture ever!!
    Thanks for answering my question, and I actually liked the fact that you gave me more than I asked, it's good to get to know you.
    Love Anafly

  2. I love the photo!
    Your aunt sounds cool, Brittany is lovely, I was there when I was 4 <3

  3. You seriously have an aunt who lives in Bretagne?! That is amazing, and if I were you, I would be hopping on a plane tomorrow! :)


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