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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Hidden Kiss

Watching Peter Pan. I wish I lived in Neverland, and had a hidden kiss in the corner of my mouth like Wendy does.

I cant think of anything attractive about me.

EW Molly gave me a hideous set of xmas presents. cheapo fishnet tights (theyre like, almost made out of yarn) and these GROSS hot pink blue and purple leopard print tights. Does a girl with reddish hair wear pink? Hot pink, of all things?

She went on yesterday about my "type". As in guys. I was like, wtf do you care? are you in love with me? is someone paying you to ask me this?
She told me no, that she was just trying to get me a boyfriend so I would stop moaning about it.

I only say I wish I had a bf when she goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on....

sorry. I think I fell asleep.

and on about her failed relationships, and the only thing I can think of to say is "god, at least you had a nice boyfriend." because I dont fucking care about ralph and josh who she didnt even have a relationship.

blah blah blah.

Thank you all for being so lovely, and putting pu with my bitching.

Eloise--I added more pictures, dear!


  1. Ah, Peter Pan. Thanks for the memory lane trip. Perhaps I will find it somewhere online to watch, so I can sleep sweeter tonight. I wish I could live off of fantasies and daydreams, rather than food.

  2. You're beautiful! I promise :)

    Wouldn't it be just lovely to live in our little fairy tail's. I think the whole world would be covered in tinny feathers and butterflies!!

  3. I love "we all have scars, we all have stories" tattoo xxx

  4. You're right, we can do it! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I hope you have a happy gain-free Christmas :)


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