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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Makes Me Fat

Food: COOOOKIIIEEEE MONSTERRRRRR (bad weekend. my last meal was spaghetti carbonara. the shit has BACON in it. I only ate half but STILL. BACON SPAGHETTI)

My Celeb Inspo for the Day: Olivia Wilde!! Not only has she starred on House with the uber sexy Hugh Laurie, she is a Maxim babe and has the most fabbity cheekbones I have ever seen <3
Love you Livvy.

I'm thinking about going blonde. I've never dyed my hair before, so I'm kind of nervous about how it will turn out. What if my hair is never the same original color again? what if I look like crap? What if it comes out ORANGE!!???

It's worth a shot. OH I took a step forward today: I wore something other than my big bulky north face jacket. I usually only wear that because it is the only thing that covers up my big ol tummy, but today I was feeling good enough to wear a gray knit sweater over my journalism tee.

Molly is being even more of a bitch. She tagged some seriously fug  pictures of me on facebook and was a majorly rude yesterday. just because we are "friends" doesnt mean she can treat me like shit.

I want a boyfriend. I am pathetic. But I really want a boyfrannnnn....Just someone to sit the hell down with me and watch TV and go have snow angel making days and make shrinky dinks.

ahh. can you tell how cracked up I am?? I need to detox from all this sugar--hopefully I will still be on track for my weight loss.
If I lose a pound a week for 30 weeks, I will be down to 100 pounds on June 25, 2011. THAT is assuming that I dont gain anything, or lose more than one pound a week. I am kind of hoping that I lose like, two pounds a week, but only time will tell.

Putting up some new thinspo pics on my page! Have a lovely day/afternoon/evening/morning/night...I cant think of anything else, so just stay lovely girls, kay? Kay.


  1. Oomg i haaaate spagehetti carbonara! I hate creamy sauces, blergh!
    It's a good (but rare) feeling to be able to dress out of your comfort zone for a day. That happens to me in the morning and by lunch i feel embarrased and get changed.

    As for your hair dying question, i dyed my hair a year ago and it's never been the same since.
    If your hair goes orange use shit loads of toner!
    And if you don't like the color, you can dye it again :)

    Boyfriends are great, but I lost all my friends the day i got my first boyfriend. It's quite sad really.

    That Molly girl needs a smack in the mouth!
    GL on your goal weight, you've set a pretty obtainable goal. So hopefully it won't be too hard

  2. I have very little to say today except that I love you <3


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