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Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is for all those girls....

I love you sexy bitches who read my blog, and tell me that they love it. You all are little dearie pops..

Food: wow. all I can say is WOW. and in a good way. I went to the mall and the movies (aka the fat farm) and ended up at a GREAT 1300 cals today. AMAZING. I had a chikfila meal--my skinny friend got fries AND a huge ass milkshake fml--and we split a bag of sour patch kids for the movie. that, plus the skinny cow cheese (35 cals) I had at home gave me roughly 1300 cals for today, and I have done my jogging and stuff.

I lost two pounds.


Emma Roberts. Look at that thigh gap. Its people like her that make me very aware of mine :/

Life: O wow. Its redick. Molly basically hates my fatty guts--she texted me this morning and was like "you suck bitch. why didnt you invite me to the movies. and i hate you and you are a lousy friend"

and I was like score, prime opportunity to end this friendship, so I went on and told her that she was unsupportive of my ED and always made fun of me and was a shit friend, and that I was standing up for myself for once.

shes like waah wwaaahh wahhh I have ISSEWWS erin! ur a lame cocksucker (wtf??) and i am soo done with you i have more friends blah blach blach

I was tempted to tell her how much people dislike her, but that would hurt more than a stiletto to the balls, so I was like, stop blaming others for leaving you and see why they are leaving you.

Basically it ended up with me freaking out because she was like Im suicidal! I have depression! and I got worried and was like, I only want the best for you and our friendship is not helping either of our mental heath.

"Oh god dont freak out I was just jk. I dont hurt myself ur the one thats crazy."

I could literally, literally go to 7 Eleven and drown myself in their smoothie machine. Just go, stick my head under there and die. In red goo.

But I bought a really really cute skirt today, and its PERFECT for New Years so no, I'll save dying for something serious. Like....if I ever break my leg and can't go jogging.

IDK why my room always takes pics in these fucky yellow lights. its black, and sequiny. and short. like, I cant bend down short. Its festive!
Work tomorrow--and there is a Hoes N Ceos party on saturday that I will prolly go to.

UM I love you all, and die for your comments. Please keep being so wonderful!

PS creeper boy asked me for a pic so I gave him one, and hes like, "how many per day can you get?" I told him that one treat is fine for now, thank you very much.



  1. Ha wow calling you crazy? That girl is a BIIITCH. Love the skirt though! I bought black sequined leggings today... we must be in sync :]

  2. woah.... please don't talk to that bitch anymore. Um... if she had balls, I would legitimately go kick them with some stilettos for you.

    Your life serisouly sounds like it could be a book... like those funny teenage ones :) haha you hsould write a book about your life, it would for real be hilarious :)

    that skirt is adorable! Maybe i'll wear one someday if I can either 1.) stop eating, or 2.) get my ass to the gym!!! :D :D :D

  3. Helllooooo! =) I'm back! I missed you and your blog so much!
    That friend sounds awful. You're definitely better off without someone like that. And I love the skirt!
    I'm sorry for not commenting for so long, but I am glad I'm back now. I hope you enjoy tonight and have a wonderful New Year =) xxx

  4. wow, what a little bitchy freak. fuck her, shes obnoxious. and 2lbs! wonderful! at the rate your going, 2011 should go amazingly! i hope your new years eve is wonderful, and I am uber jealous of that wonderful skirt. ;)


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