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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today Was A Fairytale

Hi--sorry I did not post yesterday. I had a rather lot of things to do.

First of all: YOU GUYS, I HAVE ELEVEN FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!! You cannot imagine the happiness that you bring me just by allowing yourself to be a number on my blog list.  I would cry but my little brother is sitting next to me and would think I was crazy (er).

Second: My day. Today was Day Two, Dos, Deux, II, whatever, of my binge free days. I want to explain how I felt, not binging. Do you remember when you (if you) started to binge? Was it just like something clicked in your mind that made you treat food 100% different than when you were restricting? All of a sudden, binging was the way to go? I believe that something clicked again inside me, and I went back to normal. I swear. I just hope to the sweet Lord in Heaven above that this is not some sort of cruel joke. Pleaseohpleaseohplease be real.

La di dah, had a nice day at school, actually. Talked to a cute boy in my History Class--I didnt know he knew my name!

So my old spanish teacher (the one that I hate) was taking whoever signed up on time to NYC today to see a Broadway play as a field trip. Nevermind the fact that all field trips have to have something to do with the actual subject at hand--because they went to see Wicked. Hola! Wicked no es un espectaculo de Espanol!!!!! Whatever. I will have to listen to this girl brag about her trip for the next nine centuries until I go to NYC myself this saturday. He he he...

My seventeenth is now just 4 days away--and I found out that my favorite history teachers birthday is also on the 14th! I knew we were soul mates.

I must be off, as I have a lot of homework, but I have a question for all yalls:

Favorite movie? Favorite book? I have a terrible sore throat from purging the other day and am planning to do some major rehabbing before saturday so I am not sick in NYC. I need to sit on my butt and veg like a carrot. Thinking some tea will do wonders, but I cant sit around bored, for goodness sakes. Share with me your favey videos--and I will put them all on my Netflix.

Loves and bugs.

Sorry for the abnormally brief post.

Pics from my last visit to New York!

Police Horse in Rockefeller Center

Me and Giant Statue of My Melody

Its UPsidedownnn nooo. But it is me with a police horse in times square.

Me. At my House. With my bro and hello kitty cake.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on being binge free for 2 days! Ever since I've restricted I've binged. I mean the time between binges really varies. And I've gotten better at binging on "healthy" foods or just binging a lesser amount of calories. But I've ALWAYS binged.

    Favorite books: Anything by Sarah Waters...but especially Fingersmith or Affinity

    Favorite movies: Iron Jawed Angels (seriously, most inspiring amazing movie!!! You MUST watch this!) Under the Tuscan Sun, V for Vendetta, Imagine Me and You, and Lost and Delirious. Those are all my favs! Have fun!


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