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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Once upon a time,

there was a little girl. she had everything she ever wanted. until one day, her parents took her to an amusement park. they left her there for a bit, and she found the biggest rollercoaster she had ever seen.

it was brand new, high-tech, and for God's sake, it was PINK. she had to try it---there was a miracle itself in the fact that her mom had left her alone long enough for her to try something new.

she got on and strapped herself in and waited for the ride to begin.

and ohmylord it was amazing and fantastic and like nothing she had ever tried before. her mother came back and told her to get a move on. she reluctantly hopped off. but she dreamed about that wild ride for nights.

one day, she snuck back to the coaster. it was even more enticing than she remembered. she got on, and strapped herself down extra tight.

what if I stayed on for just one more ride? she wondered. would anyone notice?

in fact, they did notice, and they welcomed her in with open arms.

just tighten your seat belt, they advised, were gonna take it up a notch.

she lived on that rollercoaster. felt her bones rattle as she went up the incline. felt her stomach bulge around the seat belt. heard her mother screaming at her to get a grip and come back down to real life.

but its easier to stay on the coaster--watching life from above. never making any choices except to just stay on that ride.

its easier. but is it better?

if you know any little girls in your life who want to start riding that shiny coaster, tell them to run away.
as fast as they can.


  1. Cycling is awesome!! It burns plenty of cals, it's easier [for me anyway] than running, you can do it in a class or alone, and you can even do it while reading/studying/whatever. I find that it's helpful to go to a class to learn how to do it, but I prefer cycling alone because I like to read my biology at the same time, heh heh. Pro tip: the machines with a visible silver wheel are the best ones (way smoother and more accurate than the no-wheel ones), just make sure to use the knob in the middle to adjust resistance (one of my friends didn't figure that out for like an hour and she was miserable the entire time).

    Also, I think it's awesome that you volunteered at a Turkey Trot, and another girl ( ran at one! It would be so cool if it happened to be the same race :]

  2. I love the symbolism of this post :) take care xxx

  3. This is amazing... =) I love the way you wrote it, there's so much meaning behind it. =) I hope you're ok xx


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