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Friday, November 12, 2010

Empire State of Mind

HI all!

So, tomorrow I am leaving at 6 am to drive up to New York City with my mom and brother. I have a SUPER cute outfit planned so I will look like I belong in my City of Lurve.

Black mini dress
black and gray leopoard print tights
red ked tennis shoes (a necessity for walking)
Black north face coat
perhaps some blingy bobby pins???

This is my 17 th birthday present and I am SO excited. We went out to Outback Steakhouse tonight for my bday dinner--had a salad, so I think I am...4 days binge free? PLUS I was alone at home for like 5 hours today, and barely ate anything!

*wipes tear of joy away from eyeball

Of course, I will not be able to get my regular jogging exercise in tomorrow, but it IS New York. We are going to see the Radio City Rockettes show (talk about a thinspo. these are the kick line girls with the kick butt legs/abs/asses/everything else) and maybe the cloisters. Hopefully two men will be out for some photo ops: the naked cowboy, and the sexaaay models in Abercrombie and Fitch. I have been saving my pennies so hopefully I will be getting some really cute goal weight clothes!

Got up early this morning to see my best friend work her magic at our TV Studio in school. She's so legit. She was like, "everyone who is not an anchor/cameraman/director, GET OUT!!!" and then puts on her headphones and says "Erin. Hand me my coffee."

Yes sir, Mr. Spielberg.

We were going to go to Uno's tonight for my birthday with another friend, but my BIFFER (Molly is her name) got a terrible message that her grandma had been hit by a car and was killed and so she flew out to Texas tonight. I plan on getting her a AMAZING feel better prezzie in NYC, and I am thinking about sneaking out to her mailbox soon and sticking a big homemade brownie and a Hallmark card in there. If you guys pray, then PLEASE pray for my friend Molly, her grandma in heaven, and her family.

Tonight, I will grace you all with the magic of New York City. If you have yet to go there, I highly reccomend it.


apparently, he wears two pairs of man panties

 Have a good night, loverlies!!!


  1. Ooooh, so exciting! Your outfit sounds incredibly cool, of course, (take pictures!!!) and I think the naked cowboy just increased the awesomesness of life by like 3 bazillion percent. And good job with your excellence of self-control in eating! I am sorry about your friend's grandma, and will definitely pray for them.


  2. Have a great trip!
    I love birthday trips, they are the best birthday presents EVER!
    Sorry to hear about your friends grandma.


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